
"He expects no less than the very best of his students, and knows well how to get it! An excellent teacher."

~Salwa B.


Entries in Travis's Performances (11)


Art of Élan presents Mexicali 

The Somnambulist by Rufino Tamayo Tuesday, October 11 | 7pm
San Diego Museum of Art
1450 El Prado (Balboa Park)


I'm looking forward to performing again with Art of Élan, one of my favorite local chamber music presenters.  I can't believe it's their 5th season already!  This program "Mexicali" presents works by a number of Mexican composers and includes works for guitar, maracas, string quartet and more.

I'll be playing on a piece originally written for Quartetto Latinoamericano by Arturo Marquez called Homenaje a Gismonti, with Kate Hatmaker and Pei-Chun Tsai, violins and Abe Liebhaber, cello. We just had our first read through last night, the piece has a great swing to it.

Hope to see you at the concert!


Concerts with Camarada

I'll be playing two concerts with Camarada in the next week.  The concerts features works by Mozart, Strauss, and lesser known but equally great composers Ljova, Kummer and Ewazen.  Benjamin Jaber, Principal Horn of the San Diego Symphony, joins Dana Burnett, Beth Ross Buckley and myself.

September 23 | 7:30pm
St. Pauls Cathedral - Great Hall
2728 6th Avenue
Tickets >> | More Info >>

September 24 | 6:30pm
Private Home (information given at ticket purchase)
Tickets : Call 619-231-3702
More Info >>


Vaughan Williams Piano Quintet with The Five Ensemble

This is the first movement of the Ralph Vaughan Williams Piano Quintet, one of his early works. From a performance at Rhapsody Hall with Cindy Wu, Lars Hoefs, Jeremy Kurtz and Ines Irawati. We call ourselves "The Five Ensemble" because two members live in LA and the others in San Diego, so we're joined by a freeway!

Hope you enjoy the video!