Student Recitals
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 9:59AM
Travis Maril in Events

Three of my college students will be presenting their final recitals at SDSU.  They've all worked very hard and sound fantastic!  All performances are being held at Rhapsody Hall, SDSU School of Music and Dance.

Karen Hopkins, viola
Saturday, May 1, 5pm
Music of Bach, Brahms and Walton

Ana Valeria Romero Gine, viola
Saturday, May 8, 2pm
Music of Bach, Brahms and Stamitz

Salwa Bachar, viola
Sunday, May 9, 2pm
Music of J.C. Bach and Shulman

Hope you can make one or more of them!

Article originally appeared on The Studio of Travis Maril (
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